¿Necesitas un fondo de inversión?


Servicios Disponibles: : Comercio
Ubicación / Pueblo : Girona Cathedral, Plaça de la Catedral, Girona, España

Investment scheme for project financing.

This is done for the purpose of informing you about the investment scheme intended to finance profitable business. If by chance you have an innovative business idea or a commercial project, for the implementation of which there are insufficient funds, do not hesitate to contact us to directly discuss possible cooperation in partnership to determine if a common goal can be achieved.

There are interests in the following sectors.

1. Agriculture – agricultural and livestock production

2. Food industry

3. Import and export

4. Mining

5. Oil and gas,

6. Production

7. Service industry

8. Wholesale and retail.

9. Information technologies and telecommunications.

10. Transportation

11. Medicine

12. Electricity

13. Education

Contact information: andrewbell.invest857@gmail.com

Menciona a #RURAAL cuando llames al vendedor.


Ubicación / Pueblo

Girona Cathedral, Plaça de la Catedral, Girona, España
Algunos consejos si es un artículo
  1. Queda en un lugar seguro.
  2. sospecha de ofertas demasiado atractivas.